Atlanta Wrongful Death Lawyers
Pursuing A Claim For A Wrongful Death Can Be A Painful Journey
Wrongful Death Lawsuit
Compassionate and Intelligent Legal Representation
Under Georgia law, if the death of your family member was due to a crime or someone’s negligent actions, I can help you file a claim to get paid back for expenses such as the funeral, burial costs and medical bills.
Your claim can include seeking lost future wages and benefits your spouse would have provided as well as compensation for intangible such as loss of care and companionship.
Wrongful Death Statute Of Limitations
While the statute of limitations for filing a wrongful death suit in Georgia is two years, there are exceptions which apply in certain circumstances. The exceptions depend on the nature of your case and whether there is also an on-going criminal case.
Email me or call my office in Atlanta to schedule a consultation to discuss the actual time limits which may apply in your case at 404-988-5809.
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